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Ethical Standard Details

Ethical Standard

     TTIA’s members have signed onto the commitment to comply with TTIA Ethical Labour Practice – Code of Conduct on Workers consisting of 10 items. Besides, they have carried out as the requirements of the buyers’ ethical standards with annual audits.

     TTIA cooperate with many sectors with the government, private sector and and civil society to combat illegal child labor, forced labor and human trafficking in fisheries and industry. Furthermore, we arrange activities to follow up our members on theirs good labour practice.

     We take part in several meetings on labour issues, submit TTIA report on labour activity and jointly arrange social dialogue workshops and seminars with Ministry of Labor, International Labour Organization, Thai Chamber of Commerce, PLAN International Thailand and Migrant Workers Rights Network. In addition, we have monitored our members on their good labour practice at factory site through “TTIA GLP Visit” activity and enhance labor and employer relationships by using efficient mechanism of welfare committee in the workplace together with migrant workers’ participation.



In 2018
1. Support human right promotion projects, start with Project of Fisherman Center organized by LPN Labour Rights Promotion Network in 2018. and Project of “Change for Migrant Child and Youth Coalition” (CMCY), organized by PLAN International Thailand

2. Promote recognized private standard start with Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), co-hosted by PLAN Asia’s SEAS of Change Project, funded by Kesko Corporation (Finnish retailing conglomerate).

In 2013-2017
1. Conducted ILO-GLP project Phase 1 in
Nov 2013 – Mar 2015, organized by ILO and Ministry of Labour (MOL)

2. Presented GLP Progress VDO in Brussels Seafood Show, May 2015 and China Marine Economy Exposition, Nov 2016 More

3. Organized Social Dialogue Workshop
among Migrant workers and employers by TTIA and Migrant Worker Rights Network (MWRN)

  • 1st Workshop on Happy in workplace,19 – 20 Dec 2014 More
  • 2nd Workshop on Complaint mechanism,6-7 Aug 2015 More
  • 3rdWorkshop on Enhancement of welfare committee,24 Jun 2016 More
  • 4th Workshop on Promoting Welfare Committee to be Accepted by Migrant Workers, 19 Jan 2018 More
  • 5th Social dialogue workshop report 2019 on “Duty and management of the welfare committee in the factory” More
  • 6th Social dialogue workshop report 2021 On “Roles and Duties welfare committee in the situation of COVID-19”  More

4. TTIA GLP Visit 2017 for 25 members and annual report More

On going

1. Encourage members to comply with TTIA Ethical Code of Conduct as committed.

2. Encourage members to comply with Buyers’ Ethical Standards.

3. Encourage members to adopt and comply with ILO-GLP Based on Thai Labour Law and ILO requirements

4.Support Project of Combating Unacceptable Forms of Work in the Thai Fishing and Seafood Industry (Ship to Shore Rights) organized by ILO and MOL, funded by EU

5. Work with various NGOs and members to enhance Welfare Committee and to mediate a case of working condition problem and grievance mechanism.

6. TTIA Annual Public Labour Report

7. Exchange information and give comments with international organizations and NGOs; ILO, IOM, NHRC, AIT, ISSARA, MWRN, LPN, PLAN International Thailand


1. Organize Social Dialogue Workshops for members to enhance Welfare Committee and essential labour issues for employer and employee at least once a year.

2. Promote and follow up UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights according to the National agenda. Participate in related project such as Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)